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It's Elephant Week!

We are so excited to share this week with you as we experience the magnificent African elephant!  Scroll down this page to find daily ideas  as we go on this safari together. Heads up! Here are some items that will be used this week: construction paper, glue sticks, crayons, straws. and snacks such as animal crackers, fruit and root vegetables.


Our picture book "Mama, Mama, How Much Do You Love Me? A Journey Around the World" begins with meeting a Mama elephant and her baby at sunrise  at a water hole they share with a wildebeest, crocodile, gazelle, hornbill and hippopotamus in the savannah at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.  Use this map to find where the African elephant lives.




From Mama Mama How Much Do You Love Me?
1) Go on a virtual field trip of the African Savanna
2) Share a box of animal crackers for snack. It's a great time to talk about the different animals found in the box!
3) Download and print this coloring page
1) What do elephants do with their trunks?
2) Create a "savanna" around your room, placing items you are glad to have your little one pick up (snack, toys). Pull a knee high on each arm and how them how to hold their hands together to form their "trunk" then challenge them to pick up items around the "savanna".
3) Make an elephant mask with a movable trunk! You need construction paper (your choice of colors), 2 straws, a scissor and a glue stick. Once the mask is made, encourage your little one to trumpet like an elephant!
1) Take some time to learn about elephants
2) Elephants eat leaves, fruit and roots. Make a platter of apple, carrot and banana slices served on lettuce. Enjoy!
3) Download and print this coloring page
1) Oh what fun! Baby elephants at play.
2)  Play like an elephant!   Put bubble wrap on the floor and stomp your feet on it, roll on the ground pretending to roll in mud, sway your "trunk" back and forth as if tossing mud on your back.  Extend this activity to bath time and splash in the water.
3) Dance party! Elephants love music. Put on music that you and your little enjoy and dance.  Be silly, be expressive, dance to different types of music for different emotions.
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